Saturday, April 28, 2007

Reid on Kolb

So Andy Reid referred to Kolb as a "coach's kid" which I can only assume means we just got ourselves a gun-wielding, herion-abusing, cop threatener. This pick gets better by the minute, I wonder if he'll make the team.

the real story of the NFL draft

During the 5 month break between TOSU's last regular season game and their rose bowl waxing there was a remarkable amount of Troy Smith as an NFL QB hype.

Peter King - who will never be a draft expert, but certainly knows the league - had him as a top 5 guy. Mel Kiper had him at 20 (

Then he was one horrible game and suddendly he may or may not be a first day guy. I know football purists always get upset about how much stock is placed on the combine but maybe the games themselves get a bit too much hype as well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ned Yost is a gangster

So the Brewer's manager decides to go out on a friendly pre-game job, falls on his neck (impressive in itself) and breaks his collarbone.

He goes to the emergency room at which point I'll let him take it away:

"The doctor wanted to put it in a sling," Yost said. "I'm fine, really. I didn't sleep [Tuesday night], but it wasn't like I was in pain."

So the Brewers (!) were playing the Cubs (!) in April (!) and this guy decides that a broken bone won't stop him from turning the game over to the bench coach.

Ned Yost is my new favorite white manager


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

your 9 truths

I wouldn't disagree with most of your "9 self-evident truths." #5 and #6 are right, i agree with #8, i'm not a huge Manning fan so i won't argue with #9 and a good PG (in college basketball) is as important as a QB. Not in the NBA though. and #1 is true to an extent, i like small-ball, but some of the tenets of moneyball are worth keeping.

i don't agree about the no-hitters, and considering that i've been at the 2 no-hitters thrown in Philly during my lifetime and watched all of the third one on tv (talking about the no-no the entire game during all 3), you're not in a position to argue with me. the other "truths" i could probably write long essays about, but i guess that's the idea of this website, so maybe i'll do that some other time.

9 self-evident truths of a sports purist (all of which Ruben will refuse to agree with)


1. Small ball works better than SABRmetrics and moneyball

2. If you’re up three with 5 seconds to play, you stop the other team from hitting a three.

3. Today, in the era of The Bottom Line, Drew Rosenhaus, Roger Clemens, Al Davis, the New England Patriots and Ari Gold, loyalty exists and fans who do not exhibit it in all its forms are not true fans.
-The exception to this rule is when the organization actively fails their fan base. There is no good reason why Jerry Rice did not retire as a Niner, Emmitt Smith as a Cowboy, and to a lesser but equally tramatic extent, AI a Sixer.

4. You NEVER reference a no-no, unless of course its being thrown against your team

5. You are only allowed one team in each sport, and once you pick them, you’re stuck with them forever (rare exceptions are allowed). Also, you have to support that team without as optimistically without condition

6. Shane Battier is more valuable than Eddy Curry

7. Larry Brown is a better coach than Phil Jackson

8. If a star player is going off against you – no matter what sport – you, or someone on your team, should attempt to hurt (not injure) him. This means hard fouls when driving, brushbacks in baseball, punishing hits in football, nonsensical side drinking challenges in beruit, etc.

9. The Colts championship run was not an affirmation of Peyton Manning as a legend, but rather a reaffirmation that he’s a choker

10. the PG position is as important in winning championships as the QB position.